If you would like to host a screening of THE UNAFRAID at your educational institution, organization or community group, please send an email to: [email protected]
If you would like to host a screening of THE UNAFRAID at your educational institution, organization or community group, please send an email to: [email protected]
The following guides and templates are aim to help with organizing and hosting a screening:
The following guides and templates are aim to help with organizing and hosting a screening:
There are many ways in which you can get involved and take action on immigrants rights issues. Here's a list of some of the organizations fighting for the rights of undocumented and DACAmented students by providing support and assistance:
UNITED WE DREAM - The largest Immigration Youth-Led Network working on a national level for undocumented students rights.
FREEDOM UNIVERSITY - Based in Atlanta, Georgia, their mission is to empower undocumented youth and fulfill their human right to education.
U-LEAD - Based in Athens, Georgia, their mission is to provide tools, resources, and a safe and nurturing environment for undocumented students.
THE ESPERANZA EDUCATION FUND - provides scholarships to students to help them achieve their dreams through higher education regardless of their national origin, ethnicity, or immigration status.
THEDREAM.US - Helps highly motivated DREAMers graduate from college with career-ready degrees by providing scholarships.
VOTO LATINO - is a pioneering civic media organization that seeks to transform America by recognizing Latinos’ innate leadership.
CHIRLA - its mission is to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants.
There are many ways in which you can get involved and take action on immigrants rights issues. Here's a list of some of the organizations fighting for the rights of undocumented and DACAmented students by providing support and assistance:
UNITED WE DREAM - The largest Immigration Youth-Led Network working on a national level for undocumented students rights.
FREEDOM UNIVERSITY - Based in Atlanta, Georgia, their mission is to empower undocumented youth and fulfill their human right to education.
U-LEAD - Based in Athens, Georgia, their mission is to provide tools, resources, and a safe and nurturing environment for undocumented students.
THE ESPERANZA EDUCATION FUND - provides scholarships to students to help them achieve their dreams through higher education regardless of their national origin, ethnicity, or immigration status.
THEDREAM.US - Helps highly motivated DREAMers graduate from college with career-ready degrees by providing scholarships.
VOTO LATINO - is a pioneering civic media organization that seeks to transform America by recognizing Latinos’ innate leadership.
CHIRLA - its mission is to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants.